Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Basics of Cognitive Theory in Relation to the...
Nicole Maloney 18th October 2011 Approved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Explain the basics of cognitive theory in relation to the development of abnormal behavior. Use Aaron T. Beck and Albert Ellis as theorists for reference. If you believe the saying Perception is everything, then you may well be a cognitivist. According to the cognitive perspective, people engage in abnormal behavior because of particular thoughts and behaviors that are often based upon their false assumptions. Cognitives believe that without these thought processes, we could have no emotions and no behavior and would therefore not function. In other words, thoughts always come before any feeling and before any action.†¦show more content†¦Therapists’ help patients realize that their own beliefs contribute greatly to, maintain, and even cause their psychological problems (Stefan, 2011). Stefan added that this approach leads patients to realize the irrationality and rigidity of their thinking and encourages them to actively change self defeating beliefs and behaviors. Ellis initially named the treatment Rational Therapy, the Rational Emotive therapy, and finally Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to stress the interrelated importance of cognition, behavior, and emotion. Like all theories, the cognitive perspective is not free from criticism. First, behaviorists see this theory as weak due to the abstract nature of thoughts and the difficulty in defining them. What may be seen as self-critical by one researcher may look like a rational remark by another. Second, there is no agreed upon definition or application of the theory. It is seen as fairly new and while it receives a great deal of research, the underlying theory of personality development is weak at best. So while it may have very positive outcomes in treatment, it does not provide a solid understanding of development. For the neo-Freudian, this might mean that cognitive therapy is only a temporary approach and does not address the real reason behind a personality issue. [ (Christopher, 2004) ] As you read, the basic premise behind cognitive theory is the idea that the way we think about or perceive ourselves and others, determines howShow MoreRelatedBasic Theories and Techniques of Abnormal Psychology1743 Words  | 7 PagesBasic Theories and Techniques of Abnormal Psychology Introduction Today, several facts about the thoughts and behaviors of the human beings have been established. These owe their emergence to the development of the field of psychological theories. These theories have been advanced over time through learning and repeated evaluation; this resulting in the study of abnormal psychological. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Outline Of A Rough Draft - 940 Words
Memoir Rough Draft I don’t remember if it was my choice or my parents, but in 5th grade when we were given the choice to be in band, I was very anxious to start. We got to meet with Mrs. Jones and try a few different instruments before making a decision. My top three choices were percussion, trombone, and clarinet (only because my sister had played it). I tried the clarinet first and thought it was alright, but not my favorite. I tried the trombone next, and while it was difficult, I really wanted to keep trying. I also tried percussion- she just had me keep a beat on my leg- and I thought percussion may be difficult for me, but I still wanted to do it. In the end, Mrs. Jones decided I would be best fit for the clarinet, mostly because I could use my sisters and not have to buy a new instrument. I was happy with the choice, mostly because I was excited to be playing anything! Throughout my 5th grade year, I practiced the clarinet and made my way through our first book. I enjoyed band class and lessons, especially getting to be with some of my friends, but I kept thinking about the trombone. I still wanted to play it. By the end of the year, I made up my mind. I was going to play the trombone. I talked to my parents, and my mom talked to Mrs. Jones, allowing me to take the school’s trombone home over the summer between 5th and 6th grade. The first day I got it, I couldn’t contain my excitement. I took it right out of the case and put it together. I was at my parents’ work,Show MoreRelatedOutline Of A Project Rough Draft Essay2137 Words  | 9 PagesGroup Members: Dustin Ballard Caroline Fraser Thomas Lichtenberger Brandon Mendoza Project Rough Draft SOURCES COUNT: (7/10 minimum) With the increase in humans populating the planet, there comes a need for more and more resources, as well as more highways for transportation, leading to more cars on the road, and ultimately more greenhouse gas emissions. 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He expresses the importance of starting with just a list, committing yourself completely to the project at hand, writing numerous rough drafts, and many other guidelines that can contribute to the process of effective writing. A simple list is the first step to writing the first draft of anything. In the past, I was always told that writingRead MoreThe Ideal Writing Process Is A Very Generic Way Of Writing884 Words  | 4 PagesAfter finding a topic start with a prewrite or an outline to help the writer get their thoughts together. Once this is done finding creditable resources that well make the paper stronger and give the writer more creditably. The writer then writes his rough draft that has all the elements that the outline had. Putting in all the recourse and following the format of the paper. Making sure the writer stays on topic though the paper. Once the rough draft is done, then they begin to revise the essay. HavingRead MoreThe Importance Of Academic Writing1187 Words  | 5 Pagescreating an outline. Depending on the professors’ preferences, they may require a true formal outline, while others only require a loose, less organized outline. Students must use this outline to organize information in order of relevancy to their papers. Upon completion of the outline, students must then begin their rough drafts. While writing the rough draft, students should and will reference back to the completed outline. Learning how to reference back to other sources, in this sense, an outline, isRead MoreWhy Is It Assists Me? Developing Better Organizational And Planning Skills?978 Words  | 4 Pagesstated, the next step would be making an outline on all of the information that you have gathered. The main purpose of an outline is to help you organize your paper by checking to see how your ideas connect to each other, or whether you will need to introduce a new point that previously hasn’t been stated. 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I then used my outline to begin a rough draft by inserting research, as well as my own thoughts andRead MoreGreek Gods And Goddesses Research Paper1111 Words  | 5 Pagesyour notes and rough draft. Then, cut out each section of information you want to use and glue to note cards. Glue one note per card and put the specific topic at its top. Then, write the first part of the Works Cited entry on the back of the card. You will need at least 20 notes. Now, organize these into groups based on the topics. This will make creating your formal outline easier. From these concepts, create a thesis. What are you trying to prove? Finally, create a formal outline before you begin
Monday, December 9, 2019
Globalizing Human Resource Management and Sustainability
Question: Discuss about the Globalizing Human Resource Management and Sustainability. Answer: Introduction Resources are an important agent, which helps the companies and organizations to produce quality products. Effective and judicious utilization of the resources adds value to the word human in the proposed heading of the discussion. Application of effective management techniques helps the personnel to monitor the progress in terms of achieving the identified and the specified business requirements (Stone, 2013, p.12). This discussion, through the example of Top Trucking Company, speculates the management of the human resources in order to bestow quality products on the customers. The purpose of this report is to make the personnel of the Trucking Company aware of the ways and means of managing the human resources. The new systems that were adopted proved efficient in mitigating the instances of conflicts. Cleaning up the yards aligns with the cleansing of the polluted minds of the employees of the Top Trucking Company. Along with this, bringing new uniforms for the employees, act as an address towards bringing uniformity within the workplace environment (Rahn, 2015, p.23). Installation of new computer system projects the struggle of the managers in terms of adding efficiency in the business activities. Appointing new yard manager restores normalcy in the workplace environment, reducing the spoilers. Along with this, this step provided the employees with safe and comfortable workplace to the employees. The attributes of safe and comfortable relates to the fresh air. Breathing this fresh air is the capability of the employees to produce creative ontents for fulfilling the business requirements (Jackson, Ones Dilchert, 2012, p.34). The conscious approach of the newly appointed manager proves ben eficial for the Trucking Company in terms of escalating the reputational status into new heights. This contradicts the autocracy of the previous manager, which had polluted the workplace. Involvement of the company personnel in the decision-making process eased the process of achieving efficient and effective resolutions. Exposure of rationality in this direction aligns with the usual conventions of a managerial role (Shields et al., 2015, p.45). Dedication and commitment of the new manager acts as an inspiration, for the employees, in terms of displaying better performance. Specifically, ensuring the wellbeing and safety of the employees and customers qualifies him as easily approachable among the employees. This motive enhances the stability in the relationship between the employees and the managers (Denhardt, Denhardt Aristigueta, 2012, p.56). Along with this, provision of training to the employees is one of the other grounds, which enhances the stability in this relationship. M otivation and encouragement acts as a medium within this relationship. Delving deep into the adopted changes, the word new is common between the changes and the management. Here, it can be said that it is the management, through whom changes enter into the threshold of the workplace (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2012, p.67). These attributes were lacking in case of the earlier manager. On the contrary, approach of the new yard manager in the initial stages of his recruitment gives him a green signal for execution of his workplace operations. The vastness of the yard bears correlation with the workplace, the sanctity of which is maintained through the desperate efforts undertaken by the managers (Morgan, 2013, p.78). The behavioral conduct is the grounds which places the new manager in a high pedestal as compared to the earlier manager. Further, it is the management that introduces the changes proposed by the stakeholders and shareholders. Lack of coordination between the management authority acts as a compromise with the business requirements of the company. Herein, the action of managing attains a negative connotation. Moreover, the strikes, that took place due to the hostility between the two managers, contradict the true essence of the aspect of managing the human resources (Stahl, Bjrkman Morris, 2012, p.89). The earlier sentence highlights the negative side of the discussion, which broadens its scope and arena. Maintaining a cue with this negativity, it contradicts the adjective of complementary in the proposed question. Potential risks of sustaining the proposed changes Success and failures are the two phases of companies and organizations. Both the aspects are related to each other. Emerging successful in overcoming the failures adds to the reputation status of the companies and organizations including the Trucking Company (Griffin, 2013, p.90). The earlier sentence makes the statement, Failures are the stepping stones of success, tautologically true. Possession of effective risk assessment tools reduces the hardness of the stones, which helps the company to reach the targeted goals and objectives. On the other hand, exposure of negligence in terms of mitigating the intensity of the identified risks aggravates the hardness of the stones, which detaches the company from the identified and the specified objectives (Camps Luna, 2012, p.15). Continuation of George as a manager would aggravate the complexities of the company. This continuity would contradict the true essence of the adjective constructive in the workplace relationships. There would be strikes, which would hamper the execution of the workplace activities. Herein, management attains a negative connotation in terms of the utilization of the organizational resources (Bratton Gold, 2012, p.121). Countering this, stability from the manager itself is an indication of vulnerable foundation, which lacks adaptability and sustainability in case of changes. On the contrary, continuation of the new yard manager would establish participative organizational structure for the company. Herein, lays the appropriateness of the adjective constructive. Collaboration and coordination between the functional units of the company would act as an agent in the achievement of successful completion of the tasks within the stipulated time frame (Buller McEvoy, 2012, p.47). Within this, the understanding, caring and supportive nature of the new yard manager would help the employees to clear their doubts regarding the execution of the workplace operations. Provision of adequate motivation and encouragement to the employees would add to the roles and responsibilities of the new yard manager. Along with this, it would reflect his corporate attitude, which would enhance the reputational status of the company. This enhancement would help the company to achieve high sales revenue, reaching new heights of success (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016, p.234). Speculating the continuity of both the managers, the role of new yard manager attains a high position. The major drive behind this is the exposure of rational behavior, which aligns with the usual conventions of a managerial role. In view of this, the company would achieve sustainable growth under the guidance of new yard manager. This connotation attains a positive note, which qualifies the company as adaptable to the changes and sustaining it. However, lack of confirmation regarding the tenure of the new yard managers highlights the interrogative parameter for the earlier sentence (Bratton Gold, 2012, p.345). As a sequential step, the management in this perspective makes vulnerable, which questions the proposed question. The predicament of new yard manager depends on the decision of George. However, there are no grounds for not permitting the new yard manager to continue his tenure. Negative answer in this case would be a foolishness of George in terms of his managerial roles and responsibilities. On the other hand, affirmative answer would reflect his consciousness towards restoring the normalcy within the workplace environment. Counter arguing this, putting the responsibility on George contradicts the true essence of the aspect of management. Herein, the human resources are nullified (Griffin, 2013, p.456). This is in reference to the fact that it is the results, which decides the performance of the company including the management. Involvement of the Transport Workers Union in the implementation of the proposed changes Involvement of the agency partners would prove beneficial for the company to ensure the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed changes in terms of beautifying the workplace environment. As a matter of specification, involving the Trade Union members would act as an additional assistance for the Trucking Company in terms of achieving stability in the financial aspects (Stahl, Bjrkman Morris, 2012, p.567). Typical examples in this direction are: tariffs that restrict the company to implement the changes; fluctuating prices, which aggravates the complexities of the company in terms of setting the prices of the transports. Joint ventures between George, new yard managers and the Trade union members proved beneficial for the Trucking Company in luring several buyers. This has escalated the sales revenue and added maximum value in the profit margin. The beautification of the infrastructure paved the way of foreign market penetration for the company (Brewster Mayrhofer, 2012, p.678). The interactive sessions between the managerial authorities and the Trade union members resulted in the introduction of lucrative deals, trades and transactions for the buyers. The polite and courteous approach of the new yard manager proved beneficial in convincing the tough Trade Union members towards the brand image of the company. All these achievements altered the predicament of the company. With this success of the company, a different side of Georges character is highlighted. Unwillingness towards the new yard managers transfer projects his intention towards retaining the newly appointed yard manager (Denhardt, Denhardt Aristigueta, 2012, p.789). This is owing to his pleasing personality, which would lure the foreign investors, such as, the members of public and private sector union members towards the brand image. This would further expand the market size, scope and arena of the company within the Australian market. Viewing it from other perspectives, involvement of the agency partners as well as the union members, in the implementation of the changes, acts as a protective cover watch for the company, in terms of the execution of business activities (Shields et al., 2015, p.890). Herein, lays the adherence and compliance to the standards and norms of the regulatory framework, which enhances the stability in the workplace relationships. This stability adds value to the adjective constructive, which enlivens the relationship between the employees and the managers. Exposure of conscious attitude in the maintenance of this stability bears correlation with the true aspect of management (Jackson, Ones Dilchert, 2012, p.900). Adoption of effective resolutions, such as means of negotiations reflects the inner essence of the management of human resources, which results in the execution of the business activities of the company in an efficient and effective manner. The earlier sentence bears resemblance with the requirements of the discussion. Conclusion This discussion emerges successful in providing an insight into the effective management of human resources for the companies and organizations. The case study of Trucking Company enlivens the heated and hostile relations between the personnel in the workplace. However, speculation of the current position of the Trucking Company contradicts the hostility between the personnel. The major drive behind this is the pleasing personality of the new yard manager, which acts as an agent for the company in terms of reaching to the new heights of success. Involvement of the trade union members serves the purpose of evaluation, which helps in beautification of the infrastructure for the company. References Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2012).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W. (Eds.). (2012).Handbook of research on comparative human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Buller, P. F., McEvoy, G. M. (2012). Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight.Human resource management review,22(1), 43-56. Camps, J., Luna?Arocas, R. (2012). A matter of learning: How human resources affect organizational performance.British Journal of Management,23(1), 1-21. Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., Aristigueta, M. P. (2012).Managing human behavior in public and nonprofit organizations. Sage Publications. Griffin, R. W. (2013).Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Jackson, S. E., Ones, D. S., Dilchert, S. (2012).Managing human resources for environmental sustainability(Vol. 32). John Wiley Sons. Morgan, G. (2013).Riding the waves of change. Imaginization Inc. Rahn, D. (2015). Managing Human Resources.Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning,42. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., ... Plimmer, G. (2015).Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C., Chung, C. (2016).Globalizing human resource management. Routledge. Stahl, G. K., Bjrkman, I., Morris, S. (Eds.). (2012).Handbook of research in international human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Stone, R. J. (2013).Managing human resources. John Wiley and Sons. Wilton, N. (2016).An introduction to human resource management. Sage.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Warriors Dont Cry Essay Example For Students
Warriors Dont Cry Essay Growing up as a teenager, Melba Pattillo Beals had to fight one of the mostcourageous wars in history. No, not a war that took place in the trenches of abattlefield, but a war that took place in the halls of an American highschoola war against color. Melba was one of nine black students who wasinvolved in one of the most important civil rights movements in Americanhistory. These nine black students, known as the Little Rock Nine, were thefirst to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, onSeptember 4, 1957. This was a major turning point for blacks all across theUnited States and opened the way for other blacks to begin attending whiteschools. Melba managed to survive her days at Central High School and wroteabout her extraordinary battles and experiences in her autobiography,Warriors Dont Cry. Melba began her story with her childhood in Little Rock,Arkansas. She lived with her mother, grandma, and brother in a strict andreligious household. Her family had c ome to accept the fact that they wouldalways be mistreated because of their color. In the South this mistreatment ofblacks was seen as perfectly normal, but Melba saw things a little differently. We will write a custom essay on Warriors Dont Cry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now As a young girl, she experienced first hand how awful it was to be segregatedagainst and be constantly ridiculed simply because of her color. Unlike mostpeople, though, she wanted to do something about it and prayed for anopportunity that would allow her to fight back and hopefully make a difference. On May 17, 1954, Melbas opportunity began to emerge. The U.S. Supreme Courtruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional in Brownvs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. In spite of the Supreme Court ruling,Arkansas did not begin to integrate its schools. Eventually, a federal courtordered Central High School in Little Rock to begin admitting black students in1957 in order to begin the states process of desegregation. Melba saw this asthe perfect chance to make a difference in her hometown. She was one of ninecourageous students who decided to try to attend the all-white Central HighSchool. Although all the students knew it would not be easy to be the firstblack students to integrate, it was a lot more strenuous and difficult thananyone of them had imagined. On the first day that they tried to attend CentralHigh School, they didnt even get into the school. There were thousands ofpeople from all over the country outside the school that morning. Most wereanti-se gregationists trying to prevent the nine students from entering. As thenine students walked past the angry mob and tried to enter the school, they werestopped and turned away by National Guardsmen who had been sent by Orval Faubus,the governor of Arkansas. Two weeks later President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent1,000 federal troops to Little Rock to uphold the Supreme Courts decision andallow the desegregation of Central High. As the year progressed, the ninestudents went through a great deal of suffering and torture, but all stayedstrong and kept attending, knowing they were making a difference in the lives ofblacks all across the country. Melba Beals true account of the year she spentat Central High is important reading for everyone. This was a war that had to befought for civil rights, and Beals book shows the tremendous struggle andsuffering she and the eight other students went through. Beals portrays verywell the hatred and corruption of the white citizens of Little Rock throughout the book and gives the reader a good glimpse of what it was like to be in hershoes. Every day during the school year, the Little Rock Nine were harassedrelentlessly. They would get their books and jackets stolen, have rocks thrownat them, be tripped, pushed into corners and beaten repeatedly. Not only did theteachers let all of this happen, but they joined in on some of the name-calling. .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd , .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .postImageUrl , .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd , .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd:hover , .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd:visited , .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd:active { border:0!important; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd:active , .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue68be049599d815a427a85c7891d30cd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Revolt of Mother: The Power of Decision EssayThe students even feared for their lives at times. One such event took placewhen a white student and a group of his friends came charging across a fieldyelling at Melba, threatening to hang her. In other instances, the nine blackstudents received bomb threats at their homes and death threats against theirfamily members on a regular basis. Not only did the desegregation of CentralHigh School jeopardize the nine students lives, it also
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